Eventos y noticias
Lindemann Fellowship for Private International Law

Call for Applications
Lindemann Fellowship for Private International Law
The Lindemann Fellowship, generously funded by the Lindemann Foundation, is a newly established initiative aimed at supporting promising academics in the field of private international law. The Fellowship’s primary goal is to provide early-career researchers with the opportunity to build a network with academics from all over Europe. Fellows will, in principle, be accepted for a three-year period, with new Fellows joining each year, as existing Fellows complete their tenure.
The core of the Fellowship is an annual, fully-funded meeting of the Fellows and coordinators, lasting two days, where Fellows present their current research. These meetings will generally take place in Hamburg, Germany, but may also occur in other locations. The meetings offer younger scholars a valuable opportunity to engage with other highly skilled Fellows from across Europe. Additionally, Fellows will have the chance to meet the coordinators of the Fellowship, receive feedback on their research projects, and obtain guidance on questions related to their future academic careers.
The research presented at the annual meetings will be edited for publication in collected volumes. The research presentations and subsequent publications should focus on the field of private international law in a broad sense (particularly conflict of laws and international civil procedure), but may also include the interplay with other areas of law or disciplines. The research can be based on an already completed or ongoing PhD thesis. As the volumes will be published in English and will be open access, this can be an opportunity for Fellows to publish key findings from their PhD in English and in an easily accessible format.
Who should apply and how?
Applicants’ primary area of research should be in private international law. Candidates who have completed their PhD must apply within four years after defending their PhD. Candidates who expect to submit their PhD within a year and have an outstanding academic background are also encouraged to apply. Applicants should be based within Europe (not restricted to the European Union). Fellows are expected to attend the annual meetings and to contribute to the collected volumes.
Applications, including a short letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, list of publications, teaching and presentations, and other relevant documents – all as one PDF – should be submitted by 15.12.2024 to sekretariat-duden.rw@uni-hamburg.de. Please direct questions to konrad.duden@uni-hamburg.de.